Reception looking back and forth week ending Friday 14th January 2022

Friday 14th January 2022- Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back – what we have done this week

We have learnt about the sense of sight this week. We talked about tricking the eye and I hope that they showed you their optical illusions. They also watched a fun video of Chloe and the Nerb – How the eye works. You can google this on YouTube. We talked about the parts of the eye and how they are like cameras and that they send messages to our brains. Lots of new vocabulary this week!
In Maths we worked on number bonds to 5. We used our fingers to show the groupings of 1+4 =5 2+3=5 5+0 = 5…..
The writing this week was to say what they like and don’t like. They are coming on amazingly in writing and applying phonics. Some children are still confusing b and d. We are getting them to write short sentences that they have thought of themselves. Eg: I like volcanoes because of the lava. I don’t like pickles they don’t taste good! We have sounds and tricky words for them to access when writing and then encourage them to use their sounding out for other words. 
They enjoyed their first dance session on Tuesday afternoon with Miss Berry. 
I have acquired a two-wheeler bike and some children have had a go with me supporting them. Two children told me they had stabilisers at home on their bike and then took a turn on the bike without my support. Great Job!

Looking forward
Next week we are learning about the sense of hearing. Just a reminder PE is on a Tuesday this term. The children may wear trainers.