reception week ending 19 January

This has been a busy week.

The children have learnt all about Touch  - this included watching a DVD clip about how animals touch using feelers, about how as we touch things messages are sent to our brain to decode what we are touching and about a blind man who uses braile to read. They all had a go at moving around with their eyes shut!

We also did 30 minutes statutary RE and this term it is all about Jesus. We are looking at how Jesus changed the lives of people he met. This week we heard the story of how he helped the fishermen catch more fish and how these men then followed him and became his disciples.

The most exciting thing was making models this week. Please come in and see them on display.

Our writing was labelling a body. Great use of phonics by all!

We also did an activity were we selected materials that were soft, smooth, bumpy and rough.