Reception weekly update

Weekly update week ending 12th May 2023

Once again, a 4-day week that feels so much longer as we have packed so much into it! 

On Tuesday we heard the story of the Extraordinary Gardener by Sam Broughton. We talked about the change that the plants made in the city home of Joe the main character. Today I have given each child their own seed and pot to plant at home and that when it grows it will be a big tall sunny surprise for the children. 

In maths this week we have revised 2D shapes and they each completed a sorting activity.

On Wednesday they did magic colour mixing with Mrs Raven and did it using their hands to make the magic. 

On Thursday we walked to the church and successfully avoided the rain but not the large puddles on the way back! The children explored the church, saw the font, stood in the pulpit, were surprised at the organ pipes and learnt that the bench they sat on was called a pew. They also tried out the kneeling cushions and compared the picture embroidery on each one. Rev Cristine told them a good news story and some of the children did the acting out. The donkey got my Oscar award! All improvised and no rehearsal. 

Today we have had a super PE lesson. They were bowling and batting on the field and the progress is amazing. We had a music lesson with instruments and I introduced them to Madness’ song “Our House” to link in to our theme of houses.

I will not be in school on Monday as I am attending an award ceremony at Buckingham Palace with my son, Matthew. Mrs Raven will be in charge. I will be checking emails.

If you are in Knutsford on Saturday at 2pm I will be in the May Day procession so look out for me. 

Have a lovely weekend.