Week Ending 18th November Year 3

This week has been filled with lots of fantastic things!

Thank you to all the parents that met with me on either Tuesday or Thursday. I really enjoyed meeting you and discussing how your lovely children are getting on in the juniors so far this year, as well finding out a little bit about how their learning and social lives are supported at home. Please do not hesitate to email me if there is anything further you would like to discuss or if you have any questions.

We thoroughly enjoyed our afternoon exploring the British Values on Thursday afternoon. There were lots of different activities to do and we learnt a lot about how we have a say in how our country is governed, as well as what these values do to support us and those who move here to seek a safer place to live.

So, what's happening in the week ahead?

In English, we will be drawing our explanation text learning to a close by presenting our own example in the style of "Until I Met Dudley" by Richard McGough. This is a chance for everyone to show what has been learned over this topic. I am looking forward to reading some amazing explanations! As part of our introductions, we will be imagining how regular household appliances could work - from fridges being packed by polar bears, to a dust-eating snake living in the vacuum cleaner! Try and use your creativity this weekend to start thinking of imaginative ways that things in your home might work in preparation for this!

In Maths, we will be continuing to look at multiplication and division, with a focus on dividing by different methods and finding remainders. 

In Science, we are continuing to explore magnets with an investigation into magnetic attraction.

We will be continuing our new topic with Mrs Tedd, looking at the UK and how it contracts with other places in the world.

We are also starting our work on our new RE topic, where we will be exploring how Christians celebrate Christmas and why it is an important day in the Christian calendar. As part of this, I have asked the class to find out what Christmas was like when an older family member was their age, or what special days were celebrated by our families instead. 

Homework: This week we have a maths homework set by Mrs Benson, an English homework set by Miss Aspey and spellings ready to be tested next week. Here's a quick reminder and update on when homeowkr is due/handed out:

- Maths will be collected and handed out every Thursday morning during Mrs Benson's time with the class. This will also have a set of times tables to learn for the following week. This needs to be handed into Mrs Benson's Homework Drawer.

- English will be collected on Wednesday mornings and marked with Mrs Tedd on a Wednesday afternoon. To help those children who attend homework club on Wednesdays, homework will now be handed out on Wednesday afternoons rather than Friday. This means that you will have a few days longer to complete it. This needs to be handed into Miss Aspey's Homework Drawer.

- Spellings are tested on Fridays, when the new set will be given out. Please note that since we are learning spelling rules, there may be a word on the test that was not on the spellings practice sheet. The aim of this is to help the class recognise that there are rules for spelling that can be applied to most words, not just those they have been given. Spelling sheets do not need to be handed in, as the tests will show if they have been learned. 

Thank you again for a wonderful week!

Miss Aspey