Year 6 - Week in Review - Friday 18th May 2018

Year 6 - Week-in-Review - Friday 18th May 2018

Year 6 - What can we say?

Proud! Brilliant! Superb! Calm! Amazing! Collected! Outstanding! Mature! Super Cool! Responsible!

Yes, it's been one of the most challenging weeks, taking the tests, but our Year 6 were just super.  They have been extremely mature in their approach; remained calm and focused through the papers; and have done their very best.  We know that these assessments are only one measure of what super young adults they are becoming, but we are pleased that these are over and that we can enjoy other activities.

Over the coming weeks, we shall be mixing the curriculum a little.  We shall continue with our writing focus with some interesting subjects and topics coming up very soon (keep your feet on the ground, Year 6!!!).  We will also - at some point - be revealing the end-of-year show title.  In addition, the auditions will be held thoughout the week, so Year 6, be prepared for a small clue on Monday!  We have Kingswood to prepare for; our transition days to look forward to; and some transition units to prepare for the move onto our respective high schools in September.

In the meantime, we've uploaded our texts from this week - see the "Display Work Items" link below for 18.05.18

Here's to our final week of the summer term (first half).  Let's make it a good one.

The Year 6 Team


Notes for next week:

Monday 21st May:  Weights and measures programme for Year 6

Date to be decided:  Production title to be revealed

Wednesday 23rd May:  Auditions for the Year 6 Production

Thursday 24th May:  Auditions for the Year 6 Production

Friday 25th May:  Cast announced for...................................(that would be telling!!!)