Year 1 2023 - 2024

Mrs Carew

Parents and Families of Year 1

Mrs Carew

Welcome to Year 1 class page 2023-2024

School starts at 8:55am and finishes at 15:15pm- if you can drop off and pick up from the Infant playground and access this via the gate round the right side of the village hall.

Please find the Start of Year pack attached, the yearly overview and a letter from this year’s Year 1 class- they have pearls of wisdom for you! 

I will use the Year 1 class webpage to keep families informed with what's going on.  Please do take the time to check this for regular weekly updates (News Items - below) about our learning in class, as well as notes and important dates for the coming week.

Families, there is a variety of ways for you to contact me.  If you would like to get in touch, or find information, you could:

  • Face-to-face:– pop in to see us either before or after school
  • Drop a line:- write a note but please don't put any important notes into child’s planner (I only see this once a week)
  • Telephone:- give us a ring on 01270 918940 – best before/after school, or during lunchtime
  • Website:- check out this Year 1 class page (updated each weekend)
  • E-mail:- contact me at  (emails are checked regularly throughout the week)
  • Newsletter: check the school newsletter online – you’ll find it on the homepage, uploaded each Friday
  • Twitter: the school has a Twitter account - search for @goostreyprimary to see regular update



On this page you will find lots of information that will be useful to help you and your child. Below you will see a summary of our learning for the term ahead and information about homework. At the end of each week please check the "News Items" for information about the week ahead - scroll down to the bottom of the page to find it. 

Please remember to tell me if your child will not be collected by the usual adult at the end of the day. Thank you.




Summer Term 2024

Welcome to Year 1!

I hope you had a happy and relaxing Easter break! Thank you so much for your support last term. I am looking forward to our summer term together.

In English we will be writing letters about our school to our twin school Elizabethfontein in South Africa (We are hoping they may write back to us too!) and using the book ‘Where the wild things are’ to inspire our portal narrative story writing.

In Maths we will look at mass and volume before moving onto multiplication and division. This leads directly to fractions and place value to 100.

As part of our Science topic we will name and identify trees and plants. This links nicely to our Geography unit that is based on our locality. We will be learning about the human and physical features that make up our school grounds before exploring our local village of Goostrey. We will then compare our school grounds to our twin school Elizabethfontein. As a part of this topic, we will touch on History when looking at Goostrey as we will learn about a local significant person in Sir Bernard Lovell and his invention The Lovell Telescope at Jodrell Bank Observatory.

In DT we will be designing a healthy sandwich with ingredients that come from plants- we will measure, cut and peel as part of the ‘making’ process.

In Art we will be creating Kandinsky inspired pictures before weaving and printing.

…and much more!

If the children can come into school in school PE kits Friday’s.

As always if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Thanks again for your continued support.

Mrs Carew

PE- Friday (Spring 1 and 2)- School PE kits to be worn to school on this day.

Reading Challenge- Reading for 14 consecutive nights will earn you a place on the ‘Reading Challenge Wall of Fame’ and will earn you 10 house points.


Homework in Year 1:

Reading - Children should read at home every night if possible- please record in their diary so this can be counted for their 14 day reading challenge.

Children will receive 2 colour banded books and 1 phonics book related to the sounds/phase we are learning in school. Please send these into school every Thursday and they will be changed and returned home on Friday.

Handwriting/ Phonics homework


Remember to check out the news page - it is updated weekly for topics, thoughts from the children and other important information.


Just Scroll down a little



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Year 1: News items

Year 1: Display work items

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Year 1: Events items

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