Sports News - clubs and events 2023 - 2024

Mrs Flint


This page is dedicated to PE so that you can find details of upcoming events and also reports on events that have taken place.

If you scroll down you can read all our recent reports.


Tournaments for 2024 and 2025


September 2024

Wednesday 11th Cross Country Year 3-6 A Holmes Chapel High School After School (4pm Start)

Wednesday 18th Try Something New (Curling, Archery) Year 5 and 6 C / Festival Partner Primary (TBC) – Morning

Wednesday 25th Football Year 3 and 4 A Holmes Chapel High School After School (4pm Start)

October 2024

Wednesday 2nd Football Year 5 and 6 A Holmes Chapel High School After School (4pm Start)

Friday 4th Try Something New (Curling, Archery) Year 3 and 4 C / Festival Partner Primary TBC – Morning

Wednesday 9th Tag Rugby Year 3 and 4 A Holmes Chapel High School After School (4pm Start)

Wednesday 16th Tag Rugby Year 5 and 6 A Holmes Chapel High School After School (4pm Start)

November 2024

Wednesday 6th Football Year 5 and 6 B Holmes Chapel High School After School (4pm Start)

Wednesday 13th Dance Year 1 and 2 A Partner Primary After School (4pm Start)

Wednesday 20th Dance Year 3 and 4 A Partner Primary After School (4pm Start)

December 2024

Wednesday 4th Dance Year 5 and 6 A Partner Primary After School (4pm Start)

January 2025

Wednesday 15th Boccia Year 1 and 2, 3 C / Festival Partner Primary TBC – During the day

Wednesday 22nd Boccia Year 4, 5 and 6 C / Festival Partner Primary TBC – During the day

Wednesday 29th Netball Year 5 and 6 A Holmes Chapel High School After School (4pm Start)

February 2025

Friday 7th Try Something New (Curling, Archery) Year 1 and 2 C / Festival Partner Primary TBC – During the day

Wednesday 12th Netball Year 3 and 4 A Holmes Chapel High School After School (4pm Start)

Wednesday 26th Basketball Year 3 and 4 A Holmes Chapel High School After School

March 2025

Wednesday 12th Basketball Year 5 and 6 A Holmes Chapel High School After School (4pm Start)

Wednesday 19th Girls Football Year 4 - 6 Ran as a B (all girls, competitive, but festival feel) Holmes Chapel High School After School (4pm Start)


April 2025

Wednesday 2nd Cricket Year 5 and 6 A Holmes Chapel High School After School (4pm Start)

Wednesday 30th Cricket Year 3 and 4 A Holmes Chapel High School After School (4pm Start)

May 2025

Wednesday 7th Rounders Year 5 and 6 A Holmes Chapel High School After School (4pm Start)

Wednesday 21st Rounders Year 3 and 4 A Holmes Chapel High School After School (4pm Start)

June 2025

Wednesday 18th Athletics All Children Year 1-6 A - Main Event Holmes Chapel High School After School (4pm Start)


Sport Reports from 2023 and 2024


Year 5 & 6 Athletics Tournament

On Monday, twelve children from Years 5 & 6 took part in an athletics festival 
at Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School, competing against local primary
schools. There was a variety of track and field events, such as the 100m, 200m
& 600m running races, the relay, javelin, long jump… and the newest event—shot
put. Our team were absolutely fantastic, coming second and only missing out on
first place by a few points. They put everything into it and showing amazing
determination , effort and skill.
Well done to… Ben, Sydney, Freddy, Bethany, Kacey, Emily, Henry, Alice, Nancy,
Lauren, William & Zander.
Mr Campion, Mrs Sant & Mrs Murdoch




On Monday evening, eight children from years 3 and 4 took part in their first rounders tournament at Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School. We played against four teams from our other local schools which meant it was a very fast-paced afternoon with only one short break. All of the children were very keen and there was some excellent batting and fielding. Tactics are very important in rounders so the team felt that they learnt a great deal which will stand them in good stead for future tournaments. Many thanks to parents and carers who bought the children and to those who also stopped to support the team. Well done to Charlie, Obi, Lucy, Florence, Iris, Tilly, Gus and Max. It was lovely to see your enthusiasm and great to hear that you enjoyed yourselves.


Year 5 and 6 cricket


On Monday 22nd April 2024 children from Year 5 and Year 6 (Emily, Ben, Bethany, Tippi, William and Rupert ) took part in an Indoor Kwik Cricket competition against local schools at Holmes Chapel Comprehensive. The format was a ‘round robin’ in which we played matches against 3 other schools- Holmes Chapel, Breton and Hermitage. The children displayed a range of both fast and spin bowling, well- timed batting shots and agile fielding skills and came joint second in the competition. A special mention should go to Bethany for the bravery she showed when facing some very quick bowling!!

Year 3 and 4 Cricket at HCCS

On Monday 29th April 2024 children from Year 4 ( Ben Lucas, Harry, Seth, Leo, Gus) competed in a Indoor Kwik Cricket competition. The children visited Holmes Chapel Comprehensive to play teams from Brereton, Hermitage and Holmes Chapel primary. In the four over format of the game children showed incredible teamwork and cooperation when fielding and were supportive each other when batting. Well done to all who took part.

Boccia and Kurling

On Monday 11th December children from Year 3 and 4 (Leo, Phoebe, Charlotte and Wiliam) took part in a Boccia and Curling competition against local schools at Holmes Chapel Comprehensive. In the Kurling competition our team combined different approaches of power and accuracy to secure a bronze medal. The Boccia competition was very tense! The result came down to the final shot of the whole competition and Goostrey finished in silver medal position. Not only did our team show concentration and accuracy, they were also highly supportive of each other and children in other schools. Well done to all who took part!!



Year 5 and 6 Netball Tournament on 20th September 

On Wednesday evening (20th September) the Year 5 and 6 netball team joined 6 other teams from local schools for a tournament at Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School. There was tough competition from the other players in the 3 matches our team played in. Our team worked extremely hard and we are very proud of their commitment and team spirit. Thank you to Charlie, Henry, Nancy from year 5 and Bethany, Chloe, Emily A, Noah, Rosa from Year 6.
On Wednesday evening (20th September) the Year 5 and 6 netball team joined 6 other teams from local schools for a tournament at Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School. There was tough competition from the other players in the 3 matches our team played in. Our team worked extremely hard and we are very proud of their commitment and team spirit. Thank you to Charlie, Henry, Nancy from year 5 and Bethany, Chloe, Emily A, Noah, Rosa from Year 6.


Year 4 netball tournament on Monday 25th September

Goostrey Champions with silver medals came 2nd in the tournament 2,4,6,8 who do we appreciate, not the king, not the queen, but the Goostrey netball team! 


Year 5 and 6 Tag Rugby Tournament

On Monday 2nd October we took a team of tag rugby players to a tournament at Holmes Chapel Comprehensive, along with schools from the local area. We played brilliantly and got into the flow of some really slick play as the tournament progressed, eventually coming second. Sportsmanship and behaviour were really impressive. Well done to Henry, Charlie, Aiden, Noah, Bethany, Emily A, Ben. Mr Campion & Mrs Cuttle


Cross Country event

On Wednesday 4th October, 16 keen and excited runners participated in the cross-country event after school at HCCS. Some of the children had never taken part before and once the event was over I know they were proud and pleased they had joined in. Year 3 and 4 girls set off first for their lap around two fields and the pace was quick! These girls ran hard and the results show their great effort. Tilly came 2nd, Florence 4th, Amber came 5th and Iona came 11th. What a super run from them all as the pack was tight so a bit of sprinting was required at the end.
Then the Year 3 and 4 boys set off. Harry, Oliver, Ralph, Gus, Seth, Charlie and Lucas were on fire. This was a very large group and the boys jostled together for half the lap and then some took off. Lots of screaming from the spectators to encourage them along. Well done to Harry in 3rd place and Oliver in 5th. 
Bethany and Kasey ran in the Year 5/6 race and both girls did a super job. This was Kasey’s first race ever and she came in a well-earned 9th place. Bethany showed absolute determination and resilience. She was at the back of the pack and fell towards the beginning of the race, however this did not dampen her efforts. She slowly and steadily over took most of the pack and came an impressive 3rd place. 
Ben and Zander represented the Year 5 and 6 boys. Wow and another exciting race with the runners speeding off but our boys paced themselves well. Ben lengthened his strides on the second lap and started to pass many runners, he took 2nd place easily. Zander was also as cool as a cucumber running with a relaxed and steady pace and took 9th place like a champ.
I could not have been more proud or more pleased with this great little group of runners. Thank you for all the parent support. See you next year!



Sports News - clubs and events: News items

Newsletter 19.7.2024, by Mrs Schurer-Lewis

Newsletter 12.7.2024, by Mrs Schurer-Lewis

Newsletter 5.7.2024, by Mrs Schurer-Lewis

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