Reception weekly update week ending 3 May 2024

Hi all

The range of weather this week has been interesting but thankfully we had lovely weather for our picnic lunch yesterday. The children sat on blankets and the range of lunches was super. 

In art this week they have been doing obsevational drawings of insects. In Maths we continue to learn number bonds to 10 and some children are now good at remembering them. Our focus is always on acurate counting and using the blocks or counters works well as they need to move them when counting. Our writing was to sequence a few pictures from the story The Something and then write a short sentence for each drawing. In PE we continue with Tennis and they are really loving it. Today they worked with a partner. We did have two racquet vs head collisions! Linked to our underground theme they each chose an animal that lives underground - drew it and then wrote one fact about their animal. It has been a busy week with good learning, super phonics work and great play. Den building has been popular this week as well as running around the track.

Next week we are going to look at roots and vegetables.

Have a good May Bank holiday weekend and if you are in Knutsford at 2pm on Saturday look out for me in the Royal May Day parade!