Reception weekly update week ending Friday 17th March 2023

Hello all

This week had ended well with the sunny weather today. The bikes were out and break was on the field. 

This week our maths focus was one more and one less. Working out one more was not a problem but understanding one less was more tricky.

In phonics we are doing adjacent consonants in words like: from/pond/flag/jump. I have updated all their word pots. The tricky words we learnt this week are: like/have/some/come.

Mums please look out for your Mother's Day cards. This was our writing focus this week. Have a lovely day on Sunday!

The children did the first layer of paint on their presents for the grandparents. Next week they will add the details.

Grandparents tea party:

Please let me know if you can contribute to eats. We traditionally have sweet treats and cupcakes/bite size treats work best.

Contributions of flowers should please be brought in on Friday 31st March in the morning. The children will arrange the flowers in the vases, that they have decorated this week.  

Have a good weekend.