WB 16.4.18

Welcome back and I hope you had a lovely break.

It's hard to believe it's the last term of the year and the class will very soon be entering Year 6. I know they are already excited about being a 'Buddy' and we talk a lot about what a responsibility this will be for them. Over the next term we will be undertaking a topic based on World War II. This week we will be starting our next writing unit which will be using a Michael Morpurgo book set in World War II as our inspiration.  In maths we will be looking at strategies to add and subtract decimals.

The children will have the opportunity to play in a concert with the Halle orchestra in June at the Bridgewater Hall. I will be sending home a letter today (Monday) which outlines how you will be able to buy tickets for the concert if you wish to join us.