WB 4.6.18 Yr 5

Welcome back! I hope you had a lovely half term and enjoyed the great weather.

It is hard to believe we are beginning the last half-term of the year. We ended May with a great experience at Jodrell Bank where we met the Prime Minister and enjoyed the fun workshops there. The children were brilliant and they behaved wonderfully; Jodrell Bank were impressed and I'm sure the Prime Minister was too!

I have updated the the topics we will be studying this half-term on the main section of our class page. It promises to be another great half-term with the Bridgewater Hall concert to look forward to.

Wider Opportunities: Letters came home with permission slips for the Bridgewater Hall concert before half term. Please could you return these as soon as possible if not already done so. I believe there are still some parent tickets available, please visit the 'Love Music Trust' website. The children are currently practising music pieces for this concert and spare sheets are available in the classroom.