we 21st September Year 4

Hi All,

Week 3 was another brilliant week.  The children explored the story ‘The boy and the cloth of dreams’, and began to recreate it into a myth of their own making.

Next week we will be continuing to write our myths, then move onto editing and publishing the pieces.  The children created printed patterns for the front covers of their myths, so fingers crossed you should be able to see these up in the classroom next week.

In grammar we looked at verbs, as well as subjects and verbs in a sentence.  The class found it tricky to understand the idea of a verb being a ‘being’ word as well as an action.  If you have a chance and spot anything when reading that you can illustrate as a ‘being’ verb, that would be really helpful.

e.g.  I am Mrs Cowell.

My name is Fred.

I have five fingers.

Other examples of being verbs are - am, are, is, was, were, be, being and been.

In maths the children consolidated their addition and subtraction skills this week and next week we will be looking at 

Revising subtract 2-digit and 3-digit numbers;

 Multiply multiples of 10 by single-digit numbers; multiply 2-digit numbers by single-digit numbers (the grid method).

In the afternoons we will be continuing our work on ‘Peaceful places’ this week we are using the Peace Index to find the most peaceful places to live in the world; Swimming – the children seemed to really enjoy their 55 mins in the pool; as well as computing and French.

Some of the highlights from the children

  • Printing my cloth of dreams
  • Computing with Mrs Cooper
  • What’s in the news – Fake Squishies
  • Swimming

Homework this week

Spellings – double letters

Timestables   week 3

X4, x8, x9 and x7

English tricky words (they’re, their and there) – For Friday

Maths – skills sheet – For Friday

Remember if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mrs. Cowell



National Aboretum permission slips in

Home School and Data sheets in as soon as possible

Nightly reading recorded in reading record – make sure it comes to school on Friday

Tuesday – swimming in the afternoon at Sandbach.

Wednesday – Timestables test.

Thursday – Spelling test

Friday – English and Maths homework to be handed in.