Week Ending 10th February Year 3

Thank you for a fantastic week Year 3.

We have been learning more about Roman Myths this week, looking more into Neptune and Minerva, as well as thinking about how we can use our imaginations to complete a story about them. We have continued our Romans topic in our History work, too, thinking about food through time and the different members of Roman society. We explored how to wear a toga and discovered that it isn't as easy to make one as it may seem at first!

In Maths, we have looked more into how to use graphs, as well as exploring some example questions that we may see in a test and how to approach them. Next week, we are moving on to look at some more of these trickier questions in more detail.

There is something exciting coming next week... Let's wait and see what might arrive...

On Tuesday, we have French day! It should be a fun filled afternoon. Keep practising your French food names for the cafe.

Please make sure that your homeworks are completed - Mrs Benson's maths, Miss Aspey's grammar and your Science exercise diary (we will need this for our investigation on Wednesday). Please also make sure you have learnt your spellings, ready for our test!

Thank you again, Year 3! Let's have an amazing last week of this half term!

Miss Aspey