Week Ending 10th March - Year 3

What a wonderful week! We have really got stuck in to some of our new topics this week in Year 3. We are now well away into the world of Harry Potter for our literacy work, delving deep into the mysteries of volcanoes in our science and geography, and exploring more and more about life in Roman times.

Our week ahead will look a little like this:

Literacy: We will be delving a little deeper into the world of Harry Potter, writing some reports on the students who go there and experiencing a little more of what life at Hogwarts is like.

Reading: We will be continuing to explore our Roald Dahl books in our groups, as well as looking at the Roman Mysteries in our whole class book club. In our reading time before home, we will be learning more and more about J K Rowling's magical world as we continue to read Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

Grammar: This week, our grammar focus is "up-levelling", meaning that we are going to explore how to use the grammar we have looked at so far to make some more interesting sentences. We will look back at these later in the year and see if we can improve them even further!

Maths: In our lessons with Mrs Tedd, we will be moving on to look at multiplication and division questions. We will be doing plenty of times tables practice, but please keep learning them at home, too! In Friday's lesson with Miss Aspey, we will be looking at time intervals, as well as learning how to approach some tricky word problems which involve the analogue clock and digital!

Romans Topic: Our focus this week moves away from the Roman Empire to look at what was going on in the countries that weren't occupied by Rome. We will look at the culture and lifestyle of Iron Age Britain, as well as a few famous names from the time.

Volcanoes Topic: What does the inside of a volcano actually look like? How are they formed? Do the rock which are formed there had different properties to sedimentary rocks? All of these questions will be answered in our geography and science this week.

R.E: Building on last week, we will look at some of the key teachings of the Qur’an, as well as looking at the holy book itself.

P.E: We will be developing our balance routines to involve some jumps, thinking about how to join our movements effectively. In our Premier Sports session, we will be continuing to explore the game of dodgeball.

Mrs Benson will be continuing to teach us music, which last week involved lots of drums! Let's see what she has planned for us this week!

All the adults in year 3 are so proud of the progress that everyone has made and love to celebrate it! We earned lots of marbles in the jar last week for amazing behaviour and superb work in lessons, so let's keep up the fantastic work this week!