Y3 w.e 8.2.19 Looking Back & Forth

Friday 8th February 2019 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 3

Looking back:

Over the last week, we have learnt about haiku poems and written our own.  Meanwhile, in maths we have been working on formal column addition and in our Topic work we have begun our learning on The Romans as well as enjoyed our outside session with Nick from The Cheshire Wildlife Trust!

Year 3 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • I liked going in the woods to measure and learn about the tree ages with Nick from The Wildlife Trust.
  • I liked publishing our myths, mine looks fantastic … I am trying to get my writing a little larger!
  • Gymnastics was fun,  I liked making up our own routines this week.
  • I liked editing my haiku as I came up with some even better ideas!
  • Writing our haikus was good, we could choose our own animals, I chose the ladybird because they are often red, which is my favourite colour.
  • I liked doing the column addition, it was interesting to see the numbers getting larger and larger as we added them.

Family discussion questions:

  • What else must being included in written dialogue if you are using inverted commas?
  • Can you remember the syllable pattern for a haiku?
  • What top tips would you have for answering this question using column addition: 209 + 78?
    Looking forward:
    Next week, we shall be learning the column method for subtraction as well as enjoying a maths/ ICT afternoon of carousel activities! We will be completing some assessments for the end of this half-term and we will be creating pieces of artwork based on insects!

    Homework in Year 3
    English: Comprehension – look out for a blue sheet this week.
    Maths: Maximum of 20 minutes – look out for a yellow sheet this week.
    Timetables: X3, X6, X4, X9