Y5 Weekly Update 17.11.23

Friday 17th November 2023 – Y5 Weekly Update

Looking back: 

We’ve been really busy in Year 5 this week. In History, we looked at sources of evidence and how historians have learned so much about ancient Greece. We then looked at the differences between the city states of Sparta and Athens. In English, the children have written some brilliant pieces based on a stormy scene – it’s been fantastic to see the pride they have shown in their writing. In science, we conducted an investigation about friction, and measured the force of friction on a shoe on different surfaces.

Year 5 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • We learned lots about friction in our science lesson.
  • We have enjoyed starting to learn songs for the Christmas Service.
  • We liked learning about how historians and archaeologists make inferences about the past.

Family discussion questions:

  • Ask the children what they learned about the reliability of sources of evidence.
  • Can the children tell you the difference between a factor and a multiple?

Looking forward:

Next week, we will shift our focus in English lessons to letter writing. In maths, we will be looking at prime, squared and cubed numbers. In science, we will be designing an investigation looking at air resistance using paper spinners.  Mr Riddell is currently exploring bridge design with the children in their D&T lessons on a Wednesday afternoon.

Don’t forget donations to the class hamper are very welcome! Raffle tickets will be on sale soon.

Have a great weekend!