Year 6 - Week in Review - Friday 27th April 2018

Year 6 - Week in Review - Friday 27th April 2018

Another great week has zipped by for us in Year 6 with the class focusing on different aspects of the curriculum.  Yes, we are revising and practising for our upcoming tests in May (our SATs) but we are determined that this will not be at the expense of other lessons.  The pupils have continued to enjoy aspects of history, RE, PE, music and - most importantly for them - BUDDIES.  We feel that the pupils are keeping themselves calm and level-headed in response to the tests, but if any families feel that they'd like to chat to us, please do contact Mrs. Timmins. 

This week, we welcomed two visitors into our class.  On Friday, Mrs. Hamilton visited our writing lesson in her role as governor with responsibility for English.  She enjoyed seeing the pupils at work and was impressed with their knowledge and aspect of so many grammatical features which they are using for their writing.  In addition, Mrs. Bayley also joined the lesson.  She is the Transition Teacher from Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School and she will be visiting us again to get to know the pupils who will be moving into Year 7 at the comp.  It's a great transition system and the pupils will have a familiar, friendly face to look out for when they start in September.

Please note that on Wednesday of this week (28th April) your child was given a letter and a large brown envelope containing details for those transitioning to Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School in September.  It contains all the details regarding the two transition days in June, and the information for the parents' evening too.  If you did not receive this, please contact Mrs. Timmins.  The paperwork involved must be returned to HCCS and not Goostrey.  Thank you

This week, we have added a list of upcoming dates to our page for you to be aware of.  Many of these are already on the newsletter, but some are specific to Year 6, so don't appear there.  We thought that you'd find these useful for planning ahead.  There are some dates which are yet to be confirmed, but we shall endeavour to get these sorted for you as soon as possible so that if you need to book time away from work, you might be able to join us.

Another great week gone - how is it May on Tuesday? 

The Year 6 Team


Questions to ask your son/daughter this week include:

1)  Who are the two characters you have been studying this week and how are they similar yet different?

2)  Which "In The News" items did you consider this week with Mrs. Cowell?

3)  Tell me about the animal you chose to study in French and the vocabulary you learned.

4)  Describe a first-class stateroom from The Titanic.


Notes for next week:

Thursday 3rd May: Miss Atkins' Maths Homework due today

Friday 4th May: Mrs. Timmins' CGP Revision Homework due today

Monday 7th May: May Day Bank Holiday