Year 6 - Week in Review - Friday 29th June 2018

Year 6 - Week in Review - Friday 29th June 2018

So, over the last week, there has just been so much going on.

We returned on Monday from a very successful residential at Kingswood in North Wales.  We are very proud of the way the whole class tried every activitiy - even when they might not have been entirely in their comfort zones.  Our pupils' behaviour was commented upon by other school staff and as adults, we thoroughly enjoyed spending time with our class away from the formality of the classroom.  Well done, Year 6.

There will be a compilation of photos before the end of term - a few are shown on the gallery pages as a quick taster.

This week, we also welcomed the Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School's Maths Team who came to work with our class on a workshop on Tuesday morning.  There are some photos of their work (and a rather hairy tarantula) in our gallery section.  On Wednesday, we returned to the Currybean Script and Thursday saw us visiting the mosque and cathedral in Liverpool.  It's hard to believe that we are now nearly at the end of the summer term, but there are still three busy weeks to go.

The diary dates have been updated once more with the Year 6 Hatwalk, Leavers' Lunch and a Buddy Celebration picnic all now planned in.  Please do check the list to see if you can join us for the hatwalk and celebration with our buddies.  The Leavers' Lunch is just for Year 6 pupils - thank you.

Next week, we have two days of hat-making, the Currybean, more ICT and Premier Sports to look forward to.

The end of the year is fast approaching, but we are enjoying being with our class and the activities we are planning for them.

Kind regards

The Year 6 Team


Notes for next week:

Monday 2nd July:  Hatmaking day

Tuesday 3rd July: Hatmaking day

Friday 6th July:   July evening